Friday, January 20, 2012

The day I solved a mystery!

When I was alone in the basement there was a terrible scream from upstairs. I ran and hid in the closet, because there were footsteps on the stairs and I knew mom and dad were gone out shopping. A chill ran down my spine. I saw blood on the couch. Was there a vampire in my house? I wondered.

I ran upstairs and hid in my bedroom until my parents came home. They were surprised to find me in my room. I told them that we have a vampire in the house. They didn't believe me so I showed them the blood. Mom looked worried, but dad said not to worry, nothing was there.

That night I couldn't sleep. I just listened to the rain outside my window. Tap! Tap! Tap! Suddenly I heard another sound CLOMP! CLOMP! CLOMP!!!  I knew that wasn't rain. I got out my flashlight and tiptoed downstairs. The beam of light shone around the room. I stopped when I found a set of muddy footprints leading to the basement! I ran to the stairs and climbed up two at a time. When I got to the top, I dashed into my room and slammed the door. I was shaking with fear. I had to tell mom and dad and fast!!

As quiet as a mouse I tiptoed to their room, woke them up. Then I took them downstairs and showed them the footprints. They told me that they would look in the morning and put me to bed. The next day I was awake  before my parents. I brushed my teeth and ran into their room. I started to jump on their bed. "Mom! Dad! Wake up lazy bones! Come on !!" Dad opened one eye. "Calm down son. I'll be down in a minute".

I ran downstairs but the footprints were gone! When dad came down, I told him what happened. I was upset. Then I had an idea! I pulled dad into the basement and there we found a robber hiding. Dad caught him and I called the police. I found out the blood was only paint.

Then we all had cake and goodies to celebrate.

T H E   E N D

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