Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Code Cracker Crew : The Treasure of the Black and White Envelope

Jim, Tim and Kim were playing soccer in Kim's backyard, when Kim's mother came outside. "Mail for you Kim", she said, "It looks like a cow!!" Kim laughed and took the envelope from her mother. It was a black and white envelope. She opened it and pulled out a letter and the three friends looked at it.

"What does it say?" asked Tim. "I don't know, I can't understand it" said Jim and he read aloud "CEMO OT HTE AMRF OT ESE HTE EWN CWOS OVEL ZCAK" The code cracker crew of Jim, Tim and Kim started working on cracking this code.  "I know! It is scrambled" cried Kim. She wrote the letters in her notebook and started unscrambling them. Soon they had unscrambled the letters. Kim read aloud "Come to the farm to see the new cows. Love Zack"

"Hey, it's a letter from Zack the farmer" exclaimed Kim "and he wants us to see the new cows!". "Let's ask your mom if we can go", said Tim and Jim together. "Jinx!" cried Jim "You owe me a soda!"

"Please mom, can we go?" asked Kim to her mom. "Ok fine, you can go" said her mom. "Yay!!" the three friends cried together. When they got to the farm, Zack the farmer showed them the cows. "Now you can look around the farm", said Zack. They went to the chicken coop first. "Hey look at that feather" said Tim. Kim bent to down to take a closer look. "It's not a feather" she said "it's a piece of paper and it is folded". She picked it up and opened it.

"It says something" said Kim. Tim read aloud "GO TO THE PIG PEN AND GO THREE STEPS IN, THEN GO FIVE SMALL JUMPS. YOU WILL FIND THE NEXT NOTE TO FIND THE TREASURE". "Well what are we waiting for?" cried Jim excitedly. When they got to the pig pen, they did exactly what the directions said and found another piece of paper. "GO TO THE BARN AND LOOK UNDER THE 10TH BELL FOR THE NEXT NOTE" it said.

At the barn, the note they found said "GO OUTSIDE AND GO THREE STEPS AND DIG FOR THE TREASURE". The Code Cracker Crew was very excited. They were going to find the treasure at last!

They went outside and followed the directions on the note and started digging. Soon they had uncovered a light grey box. Inside the box was free food for the animals. The three friends thought that this was real treasure since they had never fed the animals and really wanted to do it. They told Zack and Kim's mom that they had found treasure! Zack was surprised and he exclaimed "I didn't know that there was treasure on the farm"

The three friends got to feed the animals and also name a new baby cow. They named the calf 'TREASURE'

The Code Cracker Crew does it again! cried Jim, Kim and Tim together, giving each other a triple High Five!

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