Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Haunted House !!

I had always been afraid of the old, abandoned house down the block! The gang of bullies claimed they had gone in and seen a ghost of a man. My mother says it's a bunch of baloney. I think it is real. Now I get so many nightmares! My worst one came true. Someone dared me to go in!

I ran home crying. Whenever we pass the house, a chill goes down my spine. Last year a few boys went in. Two disappeared, three ran out screaming, one was a mummy and one was a zombie. One claimed the ghost-man was his father. My brother's friend went in and never came out!

There is a grave of a lady by the house. A girl says the lady is the very nice old lady that moved from the house. One day I went in, the door creaked shut behind me. The lights turned on...

SURPRISE!!! everyone cried.. It was Halloween!!! They had built the house for a surprise party.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Missing Moose Mystery

Karen Walker was playing baseball in her best backyard. Just then Rachel and Marissa walked up. Karen Walker, Marissa Tate and Rachel Bedford were detectives. Together they were the 'True Crew'. "Mary's dad is going away for a business trip", Rachel said. "Mary is staying with us", added Marissa. Karen groaned. "That'll be hard", she sighed "Mary's so bossy! She'll take over my room. Why can't she stay with her mom?", asked Karen. "Remember her mom died?", said Rachel. "She did?", asked Karen. "I thought you knew that", said Marissa. "I didn't", said Karen.

Ding dong!!!!! I'll get it, cried Karen.  "KKAAARRREEEENNNN!!!"  It was Mary. Yikes!! whispered Rachel. Mary had a belt with scissors, knives, glue, dirty crayons and sticky paper. Karen was surprised. Mary was never crafty. "Let's go now",said Mary in a different voice. "Time to clean up your room". Mary had a mini boom box attached to a bracelet, chewing gum and had an ipod. "How much music does she need?" Marissa and Rachel asked coming up beside her.

Mary had a blast at Karen's house. She broke a lamp, phone, flower vase and made Karen's room a mess with a lot of dirty stuff. When Mary wasn't looking, Karen made a face at her. Rachel and Marrisa tried to cheer her up by saying not to worry her dad would be back soon. But Karen wasn't counting on it.  
One day Karen's mom took them to the zoo. Mary liked the moose, Karen liked the snakes, Marrisa liked the Perican Falcons, Rachel liked the lizard and Karen's mom liked the bat. 

Karen’s mom bought them snacks, and Mary forced Karen to share her snacks. Karen told Marrisa, and Mary was tripped by her.  When Marrisa got in trouble, she told Mrs. Walker what Mary did to Karen. Mary got some scolding, and Mrs. Walker bought Karen some new snacks.
Rachel and Marrisa were staying over for a sleepover. They had made plans to clean up Karen’s room, and get it back in order. But their cleaning up would have to wait.
When they got home a TV announcement said a moose was missing from the zoo. Karen, Marrisa and Rachel tried to convince Mrs. Walker to take them back to the zoo. "No is the answer girls, sorry!"
That night the girls snuck out to investigate.  They had packed backpacks with flashlights, cell phones, and notepads with pens. Karen took a magnifying glass just in case.
They all dressed in dark clothes, and quietly went out the sliding glass door.   They were careful walking past Mary’s room. She was a light sleeper, and woke up at the tiniest noises.
They walked the two blocks to the zoo and went through the other end of the gate. They heard noises near the area where the moose were kept. They looked through the bars and saw the zoo keeper. But that wasn’t all. The moose was standing right next to him!
“I can’t wait till the authorities learn that I have found the moose again. Just kidding, I’m not telling anyone that I found you until I get enough money to get one of you”, the zoo keeper cackled. The girls were speechless. The moose had been in the zoo all along, but there was no way they were going to let the zoo keeper get away with this. They left the moose’s gate and walked over to the zebra’s gate. Karen took out her cell phone and started dialing the police. Meanwhile Marrisa took out her notebook and started writing down what she saw. Rachel took out her cell phone and started taking pictures of the zoo keeper with the moose.
The zoo keeper heard the click of Rachel’s phone. He whirled around to see who was in the zoo. He grabbed the stick that was by the gate and left the moose’s pen clutching the stick close to him. “Who’s there!!” he shouted. The girls rushed to hide behind some bales of hay. The zoo keeper walked towards them and the girls were trembling with fear. Karen had a plan. She huddled with Rachel and Marrisa and told them her plan.
Rachel sneaked behind some bales of hay and reached behind the zoo keeper unnoticed. She took a smaller stick and banged it against a pole. The zoo keeper whirled around to see, but Rachel had quickly ducked behind a box. While the zoo keeper was advancing towards Rachel’s hiding place, Marrisa had snuck towards the moose’s pen. She opened the door and slammed it again to make it look like someone had just gone into the pen. The zoo keeper turned again and started going towards the pen. It was dark enough for Marrisa to dive behind the hay before the zoo keeper could see her.
While Rachel and Marrisa were playing games with the zoo keeper, Karen had been busy. She had called the police on the cell phone and was now whispering to them where she was and was relaying what was going on. The police said they would be on their way and Karen started to help Marrisa and Rachel.
Soon police sirens could be heard from near the gate. The zoo keeper ran to the pen and fumbled with the lock. Two policewomen had marched up to the gate and started banging on it. The zoo keeper turned pale, but you couldn’t tell because it was dark.
“Open up, it’s the police!” shouted one of the police officers. The zoo keeper finished locking the moose’s pen and went to open the gate. He was met with two police officers. The taller policewoman had blonde hair and her name tag read ‘Julie’. The other police officer had brown hair tied up and a name tag that said ‘Marie’. “We are the officers investigating the missing moose case and we need to search the pen for clues. Can you let us in?” Marie asked. The zoo keeper turned white as if he had seen a ghost. “Is there something wrong?” Julie asked.
“I would love to take you, but do you have a search warrant?” the zookeeper asked. Marie turned red. “No, but we can get one if you need it” she answered, showing no sign of embarrassment. Julie took out a walkie-talkie and said something into it.
Soon they heard more police sirens outside. A young man came out. His name tag said Joe.  “Now we have a search warrant” Julie said with a satisfied smile. The man handed Julie a piece of paper. The zookeeper read it, and turned redder than a tomato. “Okay you can search the pen” he agreed. But as the girls watched he led them to the horse pen.
“Hey! That isn’t the moose pen!” Marrisa shouted, jumping up from her hiding place. The police officers turned around, and the zookeeper went pale again.
“Why are you in the zoo at this hour, young lady?” The zookeeper asked sharply. Karen jumped up, along with Rachel. “I am the one who called you” Karen said to the police officers. “Your name is Karen, right?” Julie asked. Karen nodded.  
“Sir, take us to the moose pen, or we take you to court” Joe ordered.  Reluctantly, the zookeeper led the police officers to the moose pen, with the girls trailing behind.
It was Julie, who discovered the moose. She had been looking at the ground, when she heard sounds coming from the caged in part of the moose’s pen. She looked inside, and saw the moose.   
           When she questioned the zookeeper, he looked so red, Rachel thought he was going to burst. 
            “I only hid him so I could get the money” the zookeeper protested. “You are still coming with us to court” Marie answered.
              The officers drove the girls home.
               When the police car drove up, Mrs. Walker was standing on the porch. “Where have you girls been?!” she cried. After she heard the whole story from Julie, she thanked the officers, and they left. The girls got SCOLDED for sneaking out of the house, but Mrs. Walker was the type of mom that always looks at the good side of things.
                Mary of course was upset that the true crew got famous, and she didn’t. But the girls were fine with that. After Mary left, the girls did some major cleaning of Karen’s whole house.
        But the girls knew this wasn’t their last mystery! 

The Kingdom of Fantasy

One day during summer vacation, I was trying to draw a breathtaking scenery of the 'Kingdom of Fantasy'. Me, Desiree and Kylie were putting on a play. I was drawing the background, Desiree was writing our lines and Kylie was making our props. I was drawing Crystal Castle, when Kylie pushed the rocket ship she made over. "I made it with strings, so it will look like it flies", she said.

"Let's try it out", said Desiree. So we got into the rocket and swung around in the air. Suddenly there was a loud SNAP! The strings broke and we went flying through the air. "AAHHH!!!!" we cried. We were terrified. THUD!!!! We had landed.

When we looked out the window, we were amazed. It looked so wonderful. We got out of the rocket and saw a magnificient Crystal Castle. I drew a picture of it in my head to draw back home. I was amazed to see the castle sparkle so much. I decided to put silver glitter glue on my picture. "Let's go inside" said Desiree. "Are you sure Des?" asked Kylie. "We should try", I said. "Who knows, we may have fun" said Desiree. "Well I guess we could try, but after that we are going straight back", said Kylie.

We walked to the castle and a guard let us in. It looked like standing in a dream. Everything was made out of crystal, even the floors! We started down a huge crystal hallway, it looked amazing. I thought we were going to meet crystal humans!! Even Kylie seemed to be having fun. Suddenly we stopped, we didn't talk, move or breathe. In front of us was a mouse. He walked and talked! He wore a green suit with a red tie. He wore round glasses on his snout. Wwwhou!!! we cried. The mouse walked away saying "My name is Geronimo Stilton". We kept walking until we found a crystal door. We opened it and went inside.

Cool!! we said. We were in a huge crystal room. Little fairies were carved into the huge crystal pillars. Jewels made colorful patterns on the golden silky banners that hung around the room. A huge crystal throne was glittering nearby. A not so huge crystal wardrobe was off to the side. It was open. Inside there were three gowns, one was silver, one was gold and the last one was both. We got out of the room wondering about the throne and who it was for. We found out soon enough. It belonged to the queen of fairies "Blossom". She was standing right in front of us!! The queen smiled at us. I was surprised, I had expected her to be angry. She walked away not leaving a single clue of anger.

We walked out of the castle to explore more. We traveled around and got more facts for our play. We also found more string and attached the rocket to a tree, then took off. We had a play and it was a great success!!

Friday, January 20, 2012

The day I solved a mystery!

When I was alone in the basement there was a terrible scream from upstairs. I ran and hid in the closet, because there were footsteps on the stairs and I knew mom and dad were gone out shopping. A chill ran down my spine. I saw blood on the couch. Was there a vampire in my house? I wondered.

I ran upstairs and hid in my bedroom until my parents came home. They were surprised to find me in my room. I told them that we have a vampire in the house. They didn't believe me so I showed them the blood. Mom looked worried, but dad said not to worry, nothing was there.

That night I couldn't sleep. I just listened to the rain outside my window. Tap! Tap! Tap! Suddenly I heard another sound CLOMP! CLOMP! CLOMP!!!  I knew that wasn't rain. I got out my flashlight and tiptoed downstairs. The beam of light shone around the room. I stopped when I found a set of muddy footprints leading to the basement! I ran to the stairs and climbed up two at a time. When I got to the top, I dashed into my room and slammed the door. I was shaking with fear. I had to tell mom and dad and fast!!

As quiet as a mouse I tiptoed to their room, woke them up. Then I took them downstairs and showed them the footprints. They told me that they would look in the morning and put me to bed. The next day I was awake  before my parents. I brushed my teeth and ran into their room. I started to jump on their bed. "Mom! Dad! Wake up lazy bones! Come on !!" Dad opened one eye. "Calm down son. I'll be down in a minute".

I ran downstairs but the footprints were gone! When dad came down, I told him what happened. I was upset. Then I had an idea! I pulled dad into the basement and there we found a robber hiding. Dad caught him and I called the police. I found out the blood was only paint.

Then we all had cake and goodies to celebrate.

T H E   E N D