Saturday, May 31, 2014


There once was a dog who slept in the dark corner of an alley all night long. He was deathly afraid of trucks. The place where he slept at night was never quiet because of the trucks.
The alley had a dead end. Huge trucks came to the alley every night. Every night, one truck in particular came to the alley. In this truck was a man who wore a black mask over his face. The dog always hid behind a pile of boxes.
One night, the man unloaded boxes from the truck. As the dog watched, a fiery creature that looked like a cat emerged from the truck.
The cat was red and orange, making it look like it was made of fire. As the dog watched, the man opened one of the boxes and pulled out dynamite. The cat snickered “Look at you, boss, you don’t even know what you are holding”.
“Quit telling me I don’t know what this is!” the man roared.
Then the dog heard the man mutter, “I can’t wait ‘til we blow up this so called “Earth”. He kicked a box. Suddenly, the dog felt something hot pull on his leg muscles. Then a voice rang out through his head. “I am the commander of all super heroes”, the voice boomed. The dog looked around, but he didn’t see anything.
Suddenly, the dog jumped up and charged towards the man. The dog tried to stop, but his legs kept moving.
The man looked up and screamed. He jumped into the truck with the cat, and they sped off.  The dog felt the sudden urge to jump in the air. When he did, he began to rise. He covered his eyes in fear. When he stopped rising, he uncovered his eyes. He was in a room, and tons of people, all wearing capes, were staring at him. The dog covered his eyes again.
Then the same voice he heard in the alley rang out. Only this time, it wasn’t just in his head. It rang through the whole room. The voice commanded him to stand up. He didn’t want to, but his body rose up on its own. He smelled steak, and immediately he opened his eyes.
A warm feeling washed over him as he looked around at all the people. In the center of the room sat a woman with curly blonde hair.
She wore a red jumpsuit and a blue green cape. A nametag on her desk said: Lucy. The dog saw a bowl of steak in front of him. He immediately slurped it all up. When he finished, Lucy spoke. “Your name is now Superdog!” she announced.
Suddenly the dog jumped up and kicked a sack of rocks. It didn’t hurt a bit! Lucy came forward and put a red cape on him. Then she led him over to another young woman with long brown hair. “This is Megan, your caretaker” Lucy smiled at him.
Megan wore an orange jumpsuit and red cape that matched his. She gave him a bowl of water.  When he drank it he was able to speak! Superdog turned to Megan.
“Thanks for the water. Now I am tired”.
“Follow me” Megan instructed.
She led him to a room with a HUMONGOUS dog house. Superdog went inside and found a comfortable bed. There was another bowl of hot, juicy, steak sitting next to the bed. Superdog knelt down, and ate all the steak in one gulp. Then he climbed onto the bed and fell asleep.
When he woke up, he heard Megan knocking on the door.  He nudged it open, and Megan walked in. She looked like she would burst with her news. “Your Superdog promotion has just been completed” she gushed “So now you just have to sign some sheets and you are good to go!” Superdog walked out with Megan and she led him into a huge room. He sat on the doggy bed and stamped his paw on each of the papers she gave him. Then he got another bowl of steak.
Next, Megan took him to see Lucy. Her office was not the average office. It was full of treadmills, weights and exercise balls. In other words, it looked just like a gym. Superdog sat in the chair in front of Lucy.
“How do you like being a superhero so far?” Lucy asked him.
“It seems really fun”, Superdog replied
“Good”, Lucy’s eyes bored into Superdog.
“Now you must know something”. As Superdog listened, Lucy told him many things. Some things he didn’t want to know. This was Lucy’s story:
“The man you saw in the alley was a criminal. His name is Vuldof. He wants to blow up the earth with the dynamite you saw. I can command people of earth to do what I want them to do. That’s why you chased him. I made your body move”
Superdog stared, surprised, at Lucy. Soon the two of them were having an unmatched staring contest.
Finally Superdog blinked and said,
“Have you controlled me my whole life?”
Lucy shook her head. “I only control you when I absolutely have to” Lucy stood up. “It’s time for you to start your superhero training” she motioned to the door.
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Superdog walked through the sliding glass doors that led to the training room. Lucy took him over to a man with black hair “Hi, I’m Nathan. I’m your trainer” he smiled at Superdog.
Soon Superdog began his training. He had to jump in the air and touch the ceiling and bend low enough to touch the ground. Finally, he had to learn to fly.
Megan gave him a special pill that helped him go up and then he learned how to move his body, to make him fly. Soon his training was complete. He met Lucy in her office.
“I finished my training. What do I do now?” he asked.
“Now you have to go on your first mission”, Lucy gave him a small smile. “Nathan, Megan and a superhero named Jen will be going with you”
“Who’s Jen?” Superdog asked. A young woman with short, wavy, blonde hair and blue eyes walked in. “That’s Jen”, Lucy motioned to the young woman.
Suddenly a platform rose up from the floor. On it were Nathan and Megan. “The platform will take you to the rocket, then you will go to Earth” Lucy pointed to the platform.
Superdog got on the platform. Lucy waved and they all waved back. Then the platform began to rise. When they stopped, they saw a huge rocket. It was red, white and yellow, their squad colors. They got in and strapped themselves up. The whole trip lasted only about 1 minute.
When they got out, they were in Superdog’s alley. “Well, now what?” Jen asked. “Now we find Vuldof”. Nathan stepped out of the rocket. They searched the alley but didn’t find anything.
“He usually comes in an orange truck” Superdog remembered. They waited and soon an orange truck came up the alley. They hid behind the boxes Superdog used to hide behind.
Vuldof got out of the truck, and so did the cat. Vuldof laughed. “With that silly dog gone, we can finally continue” he smirked
He took out some matches, placed them on a box, and went to the side of the truck.
“To stop him, all we have to do is steal the matches” whispered Superdog. Megan went towards the matches, but the cat saw her. “HEY!!” he cried.
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Megan froze. The cat jumped off his perch and began yelling, “Vuldof some person is stealing the matches!” the cat screamed.
Megan jumped into the air and landed on the roof of the building. Vuldof ran back only to find the cat looking perplexed.
“She was here just a minute ago!” the cat exclaimed.
“You are a crazy cat” Vuldof muttered. Then Vuldof went back to the truck.
Now Megan had a problem. She couldn’t get down without the cat seeing her. She only had an option to swing down but she didn’t have a rope that was long enough. If she jumped, even Vuldof would see her.
Soon another truck came through the alley. As soon as it was close, Megan jumped. The truck covered her, so the cat didn’t see her.
She hid behind the boxes where Superdog, Jen and Nathan were hiding. “How are we going to get those matches?” Nathan grumbled, frustrated. Superdog had an idea. The group huddled, and soon their plan was all figured out.
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“Hey Vuldof!” Superdog yelled. The villain turned around.
“What? Oh it’s only a dog that talks. Wait! What?!”
“That’s right. I can talk” Superdog nodded his head. That was Megan’s signal. While Vuldof was distracted, she slowly scooted away from the boxes. She pulled out the rope that Nathan had loaned her. She threw it up the wall and began to climb.
While she climbed, Nathan began pushing some boxes to serve as a trampoline.
Jen crawled to another side of the alley, and soon she was behind the cat. She put on gloves and cupped her hand over the cat’s mouth. Then she opened it, and faced it up.
By now Megan was up on the roof. Before the cat could yell, Megan had dropped a pill in his mouth making him lose his mew.
Jen grabbed him and pulled him toward Nathan. When they reached, Nathan placed the cat on the boxes. He trampolined the cat to Megan.
The flying cat caught Vuldof’s attention. “Is that Firefur?” Vuldof looked shocked for a second.
Then he looked at Megan, who was grinning.
In a split second, Vuldof was trying to climb Megan’s rope. Megan scooted away from the rope. Superdog, Jen and Nathan flew up to help Megan. When Vuldof reached the top, everyone was on the roof. Vuldof lunged towards Megan. Superdog took a flying leap and landed on Vuldof.
When Superdog and Vuldof landed on the roof, an astonishing thing happened. There was a brilliant flash of light and Vuldof began to cough. Superdog looked down, startled. Megan was now holding a normal orange cat and Vuldof was a boy.
Vuldof sat up and rubbed his eyes. The first thing he saw was Firefur. “Fred!” he cried running towards Megan. ‘Fred’ leaped out of Megan’s arms and landed in Vuldof’s. Vuldof hugged Fred, then looked at Superdog. “Puppy!” he cried petting him.
“Who are you?” he asked, looking at Nathan, Jen and Megan.
“The first question is who are you?” Nathan asked.
“I am Jonah”, the little boy looked at Nathan. “Are you Felix the Superhero?” he asked, clearly excited.
“No, I am Nathan the superhero”
“Cool! Can you fly?”
“Yes, I can”
Megan stepped forward. “I’m Megan the superhero” she announced playfully. “And I’m Jen the superhero”, Jen said pretending to fly. “I’m Superdog”, Superdog said. Jonah turned around. “You can talk!” he cried in disbelief.
“Yeah, I’m Superdog”.
“Hey Megan, let’s take Jonah to Lucy and see what she says”, Jen whispered to Megan.
“Okay” Megan whispered back.
She whispered their plan to Nathan who nodded. Then Jen whispered to Superdog and he agreed.
 “Hey Jonah, we are going to meet someone” Superdog said to Jonah. “Get on Superdog’s back and we will go” Megan smiled. Jonah and Fred hopped onto Superdog’s back, and all of them took off. Jonah squealed with delight the whole way.
When they got to their land, Lucy congratulated them. “Well done” she congratulated them. Then she noticed Jonah and Fred. “Who are you?” Jonah asked again. “Lucy, this is Vuldof/Jonah and Firefur/Fred” Nathan introduced them.
After explaining the whole situation to Lucy, the commander looked down at Jonah with a smile.
“Do you want to be a superhero” she asked him.
“Yeah!” cried Jonah.
“Then you have just turned into Super Jonah” she announced.
She handed him a cape that matched Nathan’s.  “Nathan will be your trainer” she smiled.
“Can we go to outer space?” Jonah asked Nathan.
“We are in outer space Jonah” Nathan answered while showing Jonah what was outside the window.
“Stars!” cried Jonah.
“Hey Jonah, do you have parents?” asked Megan.
“Mommy and daddy are at home. I went out to play, and big bad Bobby made me mad.”
What happened?” asked Lucy.
“He told me he was better, and said whoever could blow up Earth first was better.
“Ohhhhhhhhhhhh” they exclaimed throwing their heads back. That was why Vuldof/Jonah tried to blow up Earth.
“Do you want to tell your parents that you are a superhero?” Jen asked him.
“Can we?” Jonah asked, his eyes full of hope.
“Sure, do you know your address?” Nathan asked.
“468 Maple Drive” Jonah answered.
Lucy got them a rocket and they took off. When they stopped, they were in front of a yellow house with red shutters. They got out and Jonah rang the doorbell.
A woman opened the door. “Jonah!” she cried, running and crushing Jonah into a hug.
“Hi mom” Jonah said. The woman looked up and noticed the four of them standing there.
“Who are you?” she asked.
“Boy, if we got a nickel for every time someone ever asked us that we could afford our own rocket to blast out super villains” Jen smiled.
 Megan stepped forward. “They are super people!” Jonah shouted before Megan could say anything. “Oh?” the lady asked him, winking at Megan. “Actually we are” Superdog said. The woman jumped back. “Y-y-you can TALK?!” the woman cried, pointing a shaky finger at Superdog.
“Yes, because I am Superdog”, he replied. The lady pinched her arm. “Ouch! I’m not dreaming!” she cried in amazement.
“May we come in, we need to tell you some important things”, Megan asked. “Come on in” the woman opened the door wider and gestured for them to follow her. They walked into a well furnished room.
“Jonah go put on some clean clothes”, the woman said. Jonah dragged Nathan and Superdog up to his room.
While the boys were upstairs, the girls talked downstairs. “So you really are superheroes?” the woman asked.  “Yes” Jen answered. “Would you like something to drink?” the woman asked. “Yes, thank you. What is your name?” asked Jen. “Call me Amanda” she smiled. While the girls asked Amanda if Jonah could be a superhero, Jonah was busy showing Nathan and Superdog his bedroom.
“This is my ‘Felix the Superhero Action Figure’ collection, this is my bed. That is my closet, and this…” Jonah pulled out a small journal. “I keep all my dad’s postcards in here” Jonah flipped through the pages. “My dad is always traveling for work” Jonah said. “Where is your dad now?” Superdog asked. “He is in A-a-r-g-e-n-t-i-n-n-a”
“Argentina” Nathan helped him, reading of the most recent postcard. “Yeah, it is in South America” Jonah said pointing to the picture. “That is my dad”
Suddenly Megan burst through the door. “Jonah can come”! She gasped. Amanda popped her head in. “Just send me a postcard!” she chuckled. Jen came in “Come on, the rocket is ready” she pointed out the window. They went downstairs and out the door. They hopped into their rocket.
“Bye!” cried Amanda. “Bye!” they all yelled back. Then they took off.
When they reached, Lucy officially declared Jonah a superhero. His sidekick was Superdog. Jonah visited his mother often and he completed many missions. Lucy eventually handed over the position of commander to Jonah.

                             T H E    E N D

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