Saturday, May 31, 2014

Once Upon A Time... Spindle of Sleep

          Chapter 1

Hi! My name is Sophie. I’m about to tell you an amazing story. After you hear it, you will say it isn’t true. But it is true, so believe what you want. One day, my brother Bobby and I were at my grandma’s house. She has a big house that is near the ocean…

I ran up the stairs to knock on the door. Bobby followed close behind. My Grandma led us inside the house. “How’s my Rose?” She asked, squeezing me into a hug. “How’s my teddy bear?” She squeezed Bobby into a hug. I grinned. Grandma has been calling me “Rose” for as long as I remember. She says that when I was born, both my Dad and Grandma got my mom roses. When Bobby was born, she got a teddy bear.

My grandma’s house has a sort of magical feeling to it. My Grandma LOVES figurines and they always seem to be watching me.
Dad dragged our bags into the house. I forgot to mention we were staying over. Mom began to unpack her stuff upstairs.
So did Dad. Mom hollered Bobby’s name, and he ran upstairs.

Grandma picked up a figurine. It was Sleeping Beauty in a bed. “This is for you. Sleeping Beauty was a rose, and so are you”. Grandma handed me the figurine. I gasped. The figurine was amazing. “Thank you Grandma! I promise I will take really good care of it!” I cried, throwing my arms around her. Have I mentioned I LOVE fairy tales?

Just then, Mom called my name. I hugged Grandma again and ran up the stairs. After my mom set up my clothes and all my necessities, I placed the figurine on the table.
Sleeping Beauty’s hair seemed to be glowing. The red rose she was holding, seemed to beckon me to join them. I smiled, thinking about her story. Although Snow White is my favorite fairy tale, Sleeping Beauty is second.
I thought about the two fairy tales, and how they were related until it was time for lunch. Have I mentioned my grandma is the best cook in the world? We had spaghetti, garlic bread and egg salad, lemonade, and for dessert, Grandma’s apple pie. I played outside for the rest of the day. Then we had dinner. Grandma made sandwiches with chicken, lemonade, and we also had potato salad. Then we had more apple pie for dessert. When I went to bed, I was really happy.
I picked up the figurine. I said her name. You might think that is weird. To me it isn’t. The figurine got warm and began to shake. I sat up straight. This was probably a dream. I pinched myself and groaned. I was awake.
What was going on? Should I get Mom? Dad? Grandma? No, I told myself. I should get Bobby. He loves to read. He might know how to fix this.
Without letting go of the figurine, I tiptoed to Bobby’s room. His light was on. He was probably reading that new book Grandma gave him. I like my figurine better though. I opened the door. Bobby sat up. “Hey Sophie, what’s wrong?” Bobby always knows when something is wrong.
“I was wondering if you ever read a book about vibrating figurines”.
“Yes. Why?”

“I am holding one”.
This made Bobby sit up straight. I walked over to the bed to show him. At first he looked like he would fall over. Then he said the strangest thing.
“Pat it three times”
“I want to know if it is true” he answered.
“If what’s true?”
“I once read a book that says if you say the name of the figurine, and pat it three times; it will transport you to the place.”
“That was a fiction book”.
“Was not”
“Was too”
“Was not”
“Was too”
“Was not”
“Who cares, how do I stop it?” I cried.
“You can’t. You have to get sucked into another world, and find your way out”.
He was being so calm. I wanted to scream.
“But I don’t want to be sucked into another world”! I cried.
“Well, you can’t stop it, so there is no point trying”.
Before I could stop him, he leaped up and patted it… twice!
“Ha Ha, you only got it twice!” I cried. But while I was celebrating, my elbow hit the figurine.
 Uh-oh. Three.
The rose bolted upward and a blinding green light shot out of it. It swirled into a smoky green circle. It was pulling me into it. Bobby followed me.
“What are you doing?! Get Mom and Dad!” I cried. 
“I can’t stop!” he answered.
Before I could reply, we were sucked into the green mist



                  Chapter 2
Suddenly everything smelled like flowers. I lazily opened my eyes. I was on a pink bed, in a pink room, with a big pink crown on the big pink dressing table. I saw Bobby next to me.
“Where are we?” I asked. Bobby’s eyes grew wide.
“Another world!” he cried.
I groaned. Then I heard voices. I pulled Bobby under the bed. The voices filled the room. I could see two pairs of boots with crowns on them enter the room. I couldn’t help but eavesdrop. What could I do?! They were in the same room!
“Where on Earth could Destiny have gone again?” someone muttered.
“I really hope she has not gone to her doom” someone else whimpered.
“If she did, she would be snoring away by now” the first voice muttered again. I was glad the bed was clean underneath. That way I wouldn’t sneeze. The boots walked over to the side of the bed. I could see the tip of a dress on one pair.
Then the worst thing ever happened.
                    Ah, Ah, Ah,
Now. Before you say I said I couldn’t sneeze, let me explain.
 The A-Choo was most definitely not me. Who could it be?
Well it wouldn’t take a detective to find out. Who else was under the bed? Bobby! I was so mad I could have screamed! How could Bobby get a sneeze under a bed this clean?!
The Boots froze. “What was that”? Voice number one asked.
The boots got down and the bed skirt was lifted up. BAM! Bobby did a Karate chop and flew out from under the bed. I followed. We stood ready to defend ourselves in front of…
Now. Before you say they were criminals, let me remind you the boots had crowns on them. Who has boots with crowns? How about the King and Queen?
So as we stood, ready to defend ourselves, we noticed the two people were wearing long royal robes, and crowns. It was the KING and QUEEN!
The royal couple stared at us. I was so mortified. I slowly lowered my hands. Bobby did the same.
The King, (a.k.a voice number one) spoke first.
“What’s going on? Where have you put Destiny?”
The Queen, (a.k.a voice number two) spoke next.
“Have you seen her anywhere near a spindle?”
I stood, confused. “Who is Destiny?” Bobby asked. The King’s and Queen’s eyes grew wide. The King stepped forward, but the Queen put her arm in front of him.
“What do you mean, who is Destiny?” asked the Queen.
“I mean, who is Destiny” Bobby repeated. The royal pair stared at us again.
“Destiny is the princess of the kingdom of sunshine” the
King said.
“What is the kingdom of sunshine?” Bobby asked.
“Are you both from around here?” asked the Queen.
“Nope”. I answered.
“Well, where are you from?” asked the King.
“I am from Michigan” Bobby answered.
“Michigan?” both rulers asked.
The King narrowed his eyes. “We don’t want any magic business here. Since princess Destiny was cursed to sleep for one hundred years, we don’t allow magic in the palace.”
“Let’s go have some tea, and you both michigananians can explain to us why you were under Destiny’s bed” the Queen interrupted. And off we went.

                           Chapter 3
As we were led to the tearoom, (I know, they have a separate room for tea?) I got to take a look around the palace. It was mostly a white brick wall, but occasionally you would see a pink door or a yellow one. Bobby was chatting away with the King and Queen. He took a liking to the many swords that hung from the wall. While the King told Bobby about the swords, the Queen told me about Destiny. It seems that she was cursed when she was a baby, that she would prick her finger on a spindle and sleep for a hundred years. That reminded me of something. Hmm.
We finally reached the tearoom. It was a big yellow and pink room with a huge table inside. The King ordered us milk, cake and pastries. The two rulers had tea and the same snacks. I loved the lemon pastries. They tasted so good.
Bobby kept eating tons of cake even though I kicked him under the table to hint that it wasn’t polite and he should stop.
After polite conversation, the King got back to the topic of hiding under the bed. I had no idea how to explain that a figurine had sucked us under the bed. Luckily, we were saved by the appearance of a teenage girl bursting into the room. I turned around. I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was Sleeping Beauty.

                Chapter 4
The King and Queen jumped up.
“Destiny!” the Queen cried.
“Where have you been?” the King asked.
“I was with Natasha” answered the princess.
Seeing my curious face, the Queen explained that Natasha was one of Destiny’s friends. The princess eyed us curiously. It was then I noticed that she had baby blue eyes, and a pink tint in her cheeks. She looked just like I imagined. Her lips were the same color as her pink dress. She was wearing a diamond tiara in her shiny blonde hair.
She gave us a huge smile and said, “Can you play It?” I was confused.
“What kind of game is It?” Bobby asked.
“One person is It, and they have to chase the other people and tag one of them. Then the person they tagged will be It” she answered.
“So you mean tag” Bobby said.
“No, I mean It” she replied, looking confused.
“Same thing” I interrupted.
So Destiny excused us, (whew!) and we played a few rounds of tag, I mean It. After a while I began to wonder what time it was. We had left at around 9:00. The clocks here said 10:00. We had been here for around an hour. So maybe time was the same at home, and here!
I asked Destiny if she knew how to get us home.
“We could go see my fairy godmother Vanessa” she offered.
“Can she get us home?” I asked.
“No, but she knows someone who can” she replied.
“Is it Euchiba?” Bobby asked.
“Who?” Destiny asked.
“Euchiba” Bobby repeated.
“I don’t know who that is” she replied.
“Let’s go” I said.
We set of. We didn’t tell the King or Queen because they would not have let Destiny near a fairy. We had to take horses. I picked a cream colored horse that had pink bows in its mane. Her name was Belle. On the way, Destiny told us about Vanessa. It turns out, Vanessa is the fairy who softened the curse to a sleeping spell.
We reached a clearing in the woods. There was a stream running through. I could see a house on the brook. It was sitting on a mini island. Destiny kicked a small rock that was on the edge of the water. It flew over the water, and before it reached the house, it hit a small bell in front of the house and let out a loud GONG! Then the rock flew back to its original spot. The door flew open and a big bridge shot out from under the island. It connected itself to the ground underneath us. A young woman came to the door.
“Princess Destiny? Is that you? You look so different from the time I last saw you as a baby! Come on in! The house is open!”
We crossed the bridge. On the outside, it looked like a cottage. The inside was a palace! It was like in the cartoons, when the tent is small on the outside, and huge on the inside! 
“So what brings you to my tent, Destiny?” asked Vanessa.
“I was wondering if you could send these two home. They aren’t from around here” Destiny replied.
“Well, I think I can. Let me see what I can do.”
But before she could do anything, there was a bolt of lightning, and a figure appeared. 


                Chapter 5
The figure that came out of the mist that suddenly surrounded us was a huge contrast to Vanessa. Vanessa had black hair tied in a loose bun. The figure had long auburn hair that hung around her shoulders. Vanessa had brown eyes. The figure had hazel eyes. Vanessa had tanned skin. The figure was really pale.
“Olivia!” Vanessa gasped. Destiny took a step back.
“Olivia? As in the evil fairy who cursed me, Olivia?” Destiny asked in a trembling voice.
“Well, well, well. Look who we have here. Princess Destiny of the Kingdom of Sunshine” the figure said mockingly. “I see you have scheduled another occasion without me. I should think you learned your lesson from the last time that happened” it continued.
“I thought you said you would stay in your tower Olivia. This has nothing to do with you, so you can leave now” Vanessa returned angrily.
“Fairy showdown!” Bobby whispered to me. I shook my head. This was no time for jokes.
“Oh, I didn’t see you there Vanessa. It’s been a while hasn’t it? The last time I saw you, was at Destiny here’s christening”
 Olivia said.
Then she turned back to Destiny.
“I am here because today, one of my spells was supposed to be activated. Fairies always know when one of their spells is activated. The spell was not activated. So I am going to make it happen right here. Any ideas about what spell I am talking about, Destiny?” Olivia asked, glaring at Destiny.  
“No” Destiny whimpered.
“I’ll give you a hint. It involves you, and a spindle” Olivia said.
A tear rolled down Destiny’s cheek. Olivia raised her wand.
 Somebody screamed NO! Then there was a flash of light.
When I opened my eyes, Olivia was gone.


         Chapter 6
On the ground, there was a sphere. Inside the sphere, I could see a small Olivia.
“I trapped her inside” Vanessa said with a shrug.
Destiny was still standing in a corner with her eyes closed. She slowly opened them. Then she looked around.
“Where did she go?” Destiny asked. I pointed to the sphere on the floor. She nodded her head.
“This is how you can go home” Vanessa handed a bracelet to me. It was black, with a big stone in the middle.
“When you knock on the big stone, it takes you home”
 Vanessa said.
“Does the wizard Euchiba do it?” asked Bobby.
“No it is the fairy Juliette” answered Vanessa.” “Juliette is the master of all world traveling. When she started, she wouldn’t tell anyone that she was the master. Rumors spread that it was a wizard named Euchiba" she continued.
   “So that’s why I thought it was a wizard!” Bobby cried
“Yes” Vanessa smiled.
  We said goodbye to everyone. Then I knocked on the stone. A green light shot out, and sucked Bobby and I in.


             Chapter 7
When I opened my eyes I was on my bed. At first, I thought everything was just a dream. But then my wrist felt tingly. I looked at it. There was the bracelet. It was real.

                        The End
                    The beginning

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