Saturday, February 13, 2016

Twisted Magic


This document is the last remaining copy of the most amazing fairy tale ever. If you are reading this you will never think of fairy tales the same. This is the story of how the fairy tales actually ended up...
All these years Your parents have told you the stories of Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and Beauty and the Beast. But the story is a little different.

Beauty and the Beast
Most people think that Beauty went to the Beast because her father accidentally picked  a rose. But that is not true. Her father was an evil man. He hated Beauty because everyone liked her. After hearing of an evil beast that lived in a faraway castle, he took Beauty there and left her in the garden. Not knowing what to do, she saw all the pretty roses around her and felt the urge to pluck one*. The second she picked it, a terrifying beast appeared. The Beast was a cruel creature. He forced Beauty to clean all the rooms in the palace except one, that he forbade her to enter. She was a curious girl though, so she entered the room. She saw a girl that looked very much like her, lying on a bed. The girl was sleeping.
“Ah, so you finally discovered her.” The Beast boomed behind her.  Beauty whirled around.
“Who is she?” She asked.
“You’re great-great-great grandmother”
“Why is she here?”
*Beauty didn’t know this, but the roses had a powerful smell that made whoever was near them, want to pick them.
And this is where we slip into another fairy tale.
There was a girl who lived with her stepmother and stepsisters. She was very lazy. This girl’s name was Ella. You probably know her as a hardworking abused girl. But she was horribly lazy. Her poor stepsisters did all the work. This made their faces chapped and swollen. In other words, ugly. Ella spent all day in her room trying on makeup and clothes.

Her poor stepmother was still mourning her late husband and didn’t have the strength to scold her. But her stepsisters had had enough. They forced her to do small chores around the house. She didn’t know how to tend the fire, so ended up with cinders and soot all over her face.  Because of this, her step sisters laughed at her and called her Cinderella. Ella took this angrily and ignored them.

Word soon came that the prince was having a ball to choose a bride. The stepsisters had modest pretty dresses with light makeup. Cinderella put on lots of makeup, and spent time on her expensive dress. She was so absorbed in her task, she didn’t hear her stepsisters calling her. They left in their carriage. Cinderella went down and realized she was alone. She decided to walk. But as she was walking she got lost. The ball ended but she was still lost in the forest. She decided she had to prepare to spend the night. Luckily she had experience starting fires. When she had made a fire, she picked berries and nuts to eat. As she was eating she heard hoof beats. She turned and saw a handsome young man riding toward her.
He asked who she was and she replied that she was lost. The prince thought she was beautiful. He gave her a ride. When she asked why he was riding around, he replied he was on his way to a deserted palace. He had heard there was a beautiful princess asleep. Only a prince with a brave heart who could overcome all the obstacles would be able to free her.
Cinderella was impressed. The prince thought she was amazing. She wasn’t as stuck up anymore now that she realized the importance of basic survival skills.
They ended up getting married.
But now think. If Cinderella marries this prince, what about Sleeping Beauty? Her prince didn’t wake her up so she is still sleeping! And what about Cinderella’s Prince? Well, this story is about to get a lot  more complicated.
   The Little Mermaid
The story of the little Mermaid is already widely known. A mermaid saves  a prince from a shipwreck, falls in love and trades her voice for legs to meet him. But the actual story is a little different.
Instead of the mermaid trading her voice for legs she made a deal. If she couldn’t get A prince to  fall in love with her in a week, she would die. So the Mermaid got legs, and went to the surface only to learn that the prince had found a beautiful girl lying in  coffin on the side of the road and fallen in love. He was carrying her back to the palace (I think it is kind of creepy to fall in love with a dead girl, then bring her back to your palace, but who am i to judge?) and as they were bumping along, a poisoned apple  fell out of her mouth, and she came back to life. Now the two were married and living happily.  
Yes, I know the girl was Snow White. So now the little Mermaid is walking around, and she only has a week to live unless she can find a prince to marry her. It just happened that she heard of the upcoming Ball. A Prince again searching for his bride! This was Cinderella’s Prince, still trying to find a bride. So, the little mermaid got a dress, and went to the ball. As she was beautiful, the prince fell in love and they were married. SO the little mermaid didn’t die.

Back to Beauty and the Beast
After finishing his story the beast left the room. Beauty was left staring at her relative, who was still under the terrible curse. She knew she couldn’t stay with the Beast. She had been planning on running away for a long time, but now she wondered if she could really leave a member of her family here. Even if she was asleep, it still didn’t feel right, leaving her there. But what could she do? With a heavy heart, she decided to leave her there, for she knew she couldn’t take her with her. And nothing could break the curse but a brave prince who could overcome the obstacles. That night Beauty left, hoping to one day come back for her relative.

Beauty traveled far away until she accidentally crossed to border of a kingdom. Guards brought her in front of the king. The king was actually Snow White’s Prince! The king thought Beauty was, well, a Beauty! He fell in love with her. So instead of being punished, when the king determines she wasn’t guilty after hearing her story, they both fall in love and get married.

Sleeping Beauty
You are probably wondering what happened to Sleeping Beauty’s happy ending. Well, after the Beast found out Beauty ran away, he was furious! He went up to tell the Sleeping Beauty. I know it is weird, but the Beast had to vent his feelings in someone right? As he was talking he thought Sleeping Beauty started to move. Then she sat up straight!. He was surprised. Then he also started to change. All his fur disappeared. He turned into a human again! Who knows why. Magic is weird. Sleeping Beauty and the Beast ended up together. Since the beast cleaned out the castle and made it his home, he overcame all the obstacles. He was also a prince! I guess Magic just decided to make it work.

So even though they didn’t end up like you thought, they weren’t all that bad. They all ended up well. The all lived happily ever after. The beast wrote the whole thing down. And that is what you are reading in his castle. And like all good fairy tales this one has


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